Saturday, November 10, 2018

PUPPET DIALOGUE: What Lindy Lion Says!

PUPPET DIALOGUE: I wish I Were Never Born. 

I Wish I Were Never Born
By M. C. Arvanitis 

TEACHER: (Hold puppet’s head down. look over the puppet.) You look unhappy this morning. Is something wrong?

LINDY: Everything is wrong! I woke up with a headache.  I didn't have any milk for my breakfast cereal. I forgot to prepare for this morning’s story time. I wish I had never been born.

 TEACHER:  It would be a different world if you hadn’t been born.

LINDY: Well, no one would miss me.

TEACHER: You are right. We couldn’t miss you if you hadn't beenborn because we would never have known you. We have to knowsomeone in order to miss them. But since you have been born and youare our friend we would miss you if you were not here.

LINDY: Would you really miss me?

TEACHER: Of course, we would. I remember the first day we met you, when I introduced you to our class. Don’t you remember?
LINDY: Yes, I remember. I was so shy of meeting the children.

TEACHER:  Do you remember how the children made you feel betterby singing with you? After that whenever you were around us youmade us all feel good with your songs and stories.

LINDY: Well, yes, but sometimes I still feel useless. I still wonder why Iwas born.   (Have puppet bow its head as if sad.  Use a sad voice.)

TEACHER: We all feel that way once in a while, Lindy, but wehave to remember that each of us was born for a reason. We each have special things that we can do. You were born to share your stories andsongs with us. If you hadn’t been born we wouldn’t be able to hear your stories and sing your songs.

LINDY: You mean if I had not been born I wouldn’t be able to be herewith you and the children?

TEACHER: That is exactly what I mean. You were born so youcould be here with us and make us laugh and sing.

LINDY: And dance!

TEACHER: (Laughing) Puppets can’t dance. They don’t have legs.

LINDY: I can if you’ll help me.

TEACHER: Do you really want to dance?

LINDY: Oh yes.  I was born to boogie--to twist--to do the hop—tocut the rug--to trip the light fantastic.  Where’s the music? Where's themusic?

TEACHER: Well, if you think you can dance I have some musicright here.  Come on everyone. Lets dance with Lindy.
 (Play quick stepping music and dance around the room movingthe puppet to the beat. Encourage children to dance with the music.)

LINDY(Out of breath.)  That was fun. It made me tingle all over.It’s so good to be alive. I’m glad we all were born. But now, I’m tired. Ithink I’ll take a nap.

TEACHER: I hope you will come back tomorrow because we wouldreally miss you if you didn’t. 

LINDY: Oh, I’ll be back. I can’t wait until I tell you my next story.Good-bye everyone.
 (Retire puppet to its place. Discuss with students what they do that is special.)